LLAMA results

All results were produced by using the cross-validation splits in the repository with 10 folds and 1 repetitions.
The best values within a type (i.e., baseline (except for vbs), classif, regr and cluster) and performance measure (i.e., Percentage solved, PAR10, MCP) are colored green. Furthermore, the three best values over all groups within a performance measure are colored pink, the absolute best one is red.

The performance is measured in three different ways.

algo model succ par10 mcp
baseline vbs 1.000 227.605 0.000
baseline singleBest 0.787 7945.039 831.666
baseline singleBestByPar 0.812 7002.907 688.774
baseline singleBestBySuccesses 0.812 7002.907 688.774
classif meta/AdaBoostM1 0.825 6527.829 644.058
classif bayes/BayesNet 0.827 6405.856 583.564
classif lazy/IBk 0.837 6096.055 581.163
classif rules/OneR 0.850 5633.623 549.093
classif trees/RandomTree 0.824 6565.724 620.472
classif trees/J48 0.846 5764.771 557.280
classif rules/JRip 0.835 6216.069 639.698
classif classif.ctree 0.867 5017.059 485.849
classif classif.ksvm 0.843 5885.958 555.507
classif classif.naiveBayes 0.774 8275.600 731.866
classif classif.randomForest 0.860 5293.406 516.276
classif classif.rpart 0.873 4832.339 485.569
regr regr.lm 0.843 5885.054 554.603
regr regr.rpart 0.850 5645.921 561.391
regr regr.randomForest 0.844 5815.493 546.522
regr regr.earth 0.863 5136.973 482.803
cluster EM 0.787 7945.644 832.271
cluster FarthestFirst 0.824 6601.998 656.746
cluster SimpleKMeans 0.825 6524.254 640.482

The following default feature steps were used for model building:


Number of presolved instances: 0

The cost for using the feature steps (adapted for presolving) is: 0 or on average: NA

The feature steps correspond to the following 16 / 16 features:

stacks, tiers, stack.tier.ratio, container.density, empty.stack.pct,
overstowing.stack.pct, group.same.min, group.same.max, group.same.mean, group.same.stdev,
top.good.min, top.good.max, top.good.mean, top.good.stdev, overstowage.pct,